2023.05 Crone Update

Hi Crone supporters,

We have a new demo and major product release to announce! Our latest product feels much more complete and useful. Most importantly it fixes a lot of the fatal flaws we’ve identified over the past several months. We still lack content, but with our internal tools will enable to use to create five AI workbooks per week (per ~8hrs of content creation work), enough to test a subscription.

June Goals

We’re targeting startup founders who want to think and write deeply alongside their heroes. We’ll be supporting them in a weekly writing habit and aiming to charge $15/m.

This next week we'll be inviting another 100 people off the waitlist to gauge willingness to pay. To validate whether users are willing to pay, our June 30 goal is to charge, measure retention, and interview end users. We’ll use that as a baseline to set MRR growth goals going forward.

New Product Demo

You can see the demo here or if reply to this email for a demo account.

Let us know what you think and who we should be talking to! If you need a demo account, just reply to this email.