Crone Inc.
Crone Inc.

Crone Inc.

Our current product, Crone AI, is "Duolingo for writing and literature.” Visit our website or try a free daily lesson.

Just as Duolingo helps you learn a new language, Crone helps you think and write like the greatest minds of all time. Our AI-guided lessons are the best way to learn and write daily.

We're on a mission to make the contemplative life less rare. (Read the memo and mission.) To accomplish this mission, we must solve two hard problems:

  1. We must bring the Great Conversation to life by excavating and transforming 3000 years of humanity's greatest wisdom and eloquence.
  2. We must make active learning more rewarding than passive consumption for "fuzzy" topics like literature, writing, and leadership development.

Both of these problems are now addressable with AI. Solving them will make Crone the world's leading media company for self- and professional- development. To join us mail or read about our team.

If you’re interested in investing, email


Crone AI MemoCrone AI MemoCrone Team and Values


  1. Crone AI website
  2. Free daily mini lesson