2023.06 Crone Update

Crone has paying users! We have $455 in net sales and $174 in MRR. We're short of our $1k MRR goal but we're finally on the scoreboard.


  • We hit at $455 net sales and $174 MRR. Short of our $1k MRR goal but we're finally on the scoreboard.
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  • 68% trial conversion
  • 17% 3-week visit retention
  • 4.35% 3-week creator retention.
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Previously we had 33% 3-week retention, but now we're not retaining paid users well enough. However, our trial-to-conversion is high. I've spoken with a few users and they say they had a good first session or two, that they intend to use it, but they don't have time.


I tested the following pitch deck with a few investors. It's getting some interest. I haven't fully dedicated myself to fundraising yet but we'll likely do so soon.

Here's a link to deck. Feedback welcome!

Talking to Users

In brief, we need to make Crone more immersive allowing users not just to learn, but also to do real work while they complete Crone flows. This "facilitated deep work" aims to address several hair-on-fire problems associated with doing deep work:

  • gathering expertise without falling down research rabbit holes (facilitated by Crone's expert workbooks)
  • being action obsessed without being myopic (facilitated by Crone workbooks user questions)
  • reflection, learning, and acting are isolated events leading to paralysis (facilitated by our upcoming guided actions feature)