2023.08 Crone Update

Since we haven’t yet found solid PMF with our B2B business advisor so we’re reinventing ourselves as an AI writing coach and journaling app. Crone is for writer/self-improvement types to think, write, and live alongside the greatest minds of all time.

Looking Forward

We finished 0.6 deployment on August 30th (we haven't finished content repurposing). Next we'll:

  1. repurpose old content into new system
  2. change funnel (landing page, freemium, etc)
  3. launch and test retention

0.6 Deployment

Problems to solve in 0.6:

  • PROBLEM: the language and data related to our old concept. Also there are bugs. SOLUTION: redo language and data; fix bugs.
  • PROBLEM: crone is too long; a learning session should be short, but auto-writing requires several entries. SOLUTION: separate learning sessions that terminates in XP vs series of learning sessions that terminate in writing output. Users can chip away at the series over several sessions.
  • PROBLEM: user entries and docs are two separate artifacts; this has always been confusing. SOLUTION: merge the two artifacts

Future development on product is centered on return-on-effort tasks (see roe-tasks).

We're abandoning our prod-mar-b2b positioning for the moment.

Schedule of Tasks

08/20/2023 : finished the new MVP for "writing as meditation"
08/24/2023 Bug fixes + deploy to prod
08/25/2023 Merge subplans and journal entries 1d
08/26/2023 Add concept of segments
08/27/2023 Home/flows/explore page redesign (triage)

Since we haven’t yet found solid PMF with our B2B business advisor so we’re reinventing ourselves as an AI journal and mentor. Crone is for writer/self-improvement types to think, write, and live alongside the greatest minds of all time.